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Student Testimony by Uma Kumari, Vivian Wang Scholarship Recipient

    As a first-generation international student pursuing the full-time MBA program at the University of San Francisco (USF), my journey has been filled with determination, ambition, and a deep inclination towards the dynamic world of technology. With a clear vision of becoming a product manager at a leading technology firm, I embarked on this transformative academic endeavor, supported by the generous scholarship provided by Ms. Vivien Wang, through CBSI-AP.

    The MBA program at USF has been instrumental in shaping my knowledge, skills, and networks to thrive in the tech industry. Through a comprehensive curriculum, immersive experiential learning opportunities, and access to industry experts, USF has provided me with the foundation necessary to excel as a future leader in the technology sector. The program’s emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship, and ethical leadership has further instilled in me the values and mindset required to make a positive impact in the industry. The opportunity to hear career advice from “Silicon Valley Asian Business Talk” leaders has motivated me in every step of finding the right career opportunity.

    Receiving the scholarship from Ms. Vivien Wang, facilitated by CBSI, has been a game-changer in my academic journey. It has not only alleviated the financial burden associated with pursuing an MBA but has also provided me with the confidence and encouragement to pursue my dreams relentlessly. This scholarship has enabled me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies, engage in extracurricular activities, and take advantage of the numerous professional development opportunities available to USF students.

    I am deeply grateful to Ms. Vivien Wang for her generous support and belief in my potential. Her scholarship has inspired me to pay it forward by supporting and empowering future generations of aspiring students. I am committed to utilizing the knowledge and skills gained during my MBA studies to contribute meaningfully to the tech industry, drive innovation, and create positive societal change.