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CBSI—Bridge for the Asia-Pacific Region

USF’s Center for Business Studies and Innovation in Asia-Pacific (CBSI) means Asia business and was an active player producing our APEC-related events during the Epic 2023 APEC San Francisco Week. We co-hosted The CBSI-Global Women Asia (GWA) “Sustainability Fellows Workshops and Reception” on December 13 and the USF-The Carter Center “Jimmy Carter Conversation on US-China Relations” on December 18. We’re thrilled to be part of the history in making. Please see below the news articles and photos/videos. 

We invite you to become a corporate sponsor or an individual donor of one of USF’s vibrant research centers designed to be the San Francisco/Silicon Valley-based thought-leader, learning hub, and bridge builder for the U.S. and Asia-Pacific business communities. By becoming a corporate sponsor or an individual donor, you will be in the league of c-suite executives with steep knowledge of Asian markets and world leading experts on Asian studies and policy makers shaping the trade and investment landscape; you will be invited to by-invitation- only meetings and events. Please contact for more information.

CBSI Partners with The Carter Center to Launch “The Inaugural Jimmy Carter conversation on US-China Relations”

(November 18, 2023) The Center for Business Studies and Innovation in Asia-Pacific (CBSI) was privileged to partner with The Carter Center to host “The Inaugural Jimmy Carter Conversation on US-China Relations” at the close of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit in San Francisco. Five years ago, on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the normalization of US-China relations, President Carter published an op-ed in the Washington Post titled “How to Repair the US-China Relationship—and Prevent a Modern Cold War.” In words that still ring true today, he wrote that a “balance approach is key to ensuring that the United States and China continue to work together toward solving…the most intractable global problems.” Reflecting that in 1979 he and Deng Xiaoping “knew (they) were advancing the cause of peace,” President Carter observed that while “today’s leaders face a different world, the cause of peace remains just as important.” He appealed for “new vision, courage and ingenuity” for

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CBSI Hosts “Women Charting a Sustainable Future”during 2023 APEC San Francisco Week

On November 13, 2023, The Center for Business Studies and Innovation in Asia-Pacific (CBSI) collaborated with Global Women Asia (GWA) in providing career development workshops and a closing reception honoring the inaugural cohort of up-and-coming, young professional GWA “Sustainability Fellows.” The program highlighted and celebrated the impressive accomplishments of the Fellows, as well as the broader importance of women’s leadership, equality and empowerment within the Asia Pacific region. Five CBSI Global Student Ambassador Program (GSAP) students were invited to take part in select workshops, the ABAC luncheon and many more participated in the culminating evening reception. In November, San Francisco hosted the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit, an important annual gathering of heads of state, policy makers and business leaders. Focused on creating economic opportunities, APEC brought together CEOs, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and other stakeholders together with the most senior political leaders from throughout the Asia-Pacific region for

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GSAP Awards/APEC Celebration Lunch

(December 01, 2023) As the academic year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on all the hard work that has been put in by so many GSAP members. The CBSI board is so proud of what GSAP leaders and members achieved this semester, especially during the 2023 APEC San Francisco Week! The CBSI board members were so proud to present achievement awards to those high achieving GSAP members and host a celebration lunch for these students and all those graduating in December on Friday December 1, 2023. Professor Xiaohua Yang, the CBSI Executive Director, and other executive board members would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our volunteers who have given their time and energy to support our APEC events. Their hard work and dedication have played a vital role in the success of our events and the APEC. Without their support, we would not have

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