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Professor Xiaohua Yang was interviewed for her research published in 2016

    On August 23, 2019, Professor Xiaohua Yang, CBSI Director, was interviewed by Mr. Zhijian Wu, the CEO of Woodsford Capital Management in Singapore for her 2016 TIBR paper, co-authored with Roger Chen, Mark Cannice, Zeyu Peng and Cindy Qin: Towards a Framework of Reverse Knowledge Transfer by Emerging Economy Multinationals: Evidence from Chinese MNE Subsidiaries in the United States. Please view the interview here:

    Mr. Wu’s English guests include: Prof Steven Landsburg, Prof Robert Frank (Cornell), Prof Ilia Dichev (Emory), Prof Douglas Kenrick (ASU), Prof Campbell Harvey (Duke), Prof Randall Peterson (LBS), Prof Paul Robinson (UPenn), Prof Peter Turchin (UConnecticut), Mr Jason Hsu (Rayliant), Mr William Bernstein (Book author), Tim Harford (Writer), Helaine Olen (Book Author), Prof Russ Roberts (Stanford), Prof Robert Aronowitz (UPenn), etc. and his Chinese Guests include: 魏尚进(哥伦比亚大学)、顾朝阳(香港中文大学)、张国昌(香港大学)、刘铮(上海高级金融学院)、刘晓蕾(北京大学)、曹杰(香港中文大学)、张橹(俄亥俄州立)、黄思绮(斯坦福大学)、金松青(密西根州立)、徐立新(世界银行)、李善军(康奈尔大学)等等。This program has over 200,000 viewers so far.