(April 25,2023) With leadership from entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy professor Dr. Susan Stryker, a team with several GSAP graduate students competed in the 2023 International Business Ethics and Sustainability Case Competition (IBESCC) hosted by Loyola Marymount University last April. Their entry on “Sustainable Cocoa Farming in Cameroon,” which addressed the United Nations’ “Sustainable Goal Eight: Decent Work and Economic Growth,” identified the lack of timely market information on factors such as pricing and climate conditions as hampering sustainable economic growth and the alleviation of poverty among farmers. The University of San Francisco was among twenty-five universities from the US, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, Spain and India to field teams in the annual competition.
Congratulations to the GSAP students Hemil Doshi and John Chetwynd and their classmates Fala Valery Ngong and Saint Roger Bountsebe Eboueme for their outstanding work! Thank you to Professor Stryker for her excellent leadership!