(March 6, 2023) CBSI Director Dr. Xiaohua Yang and former APEC Ambassador Larry Greenwood were among approximately 35 stakeholders from the Silicon Valley and Bay Area who came together in San Francisco to discuss the importance of economic cooperation, trade, growth, and sustainability in the Asia-Pacific region as well as what to expect from the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) gathering in San Francisco. In November 2023, San Francisco will host the APEC Economic Leaders and CEO Summit, a major gathering of heads of state, ministers, diplomats, and business leaders from the Asia-Pacific region. APEC’s Secretariat, which is based in Singapore and provides APEC’s twenty-one member economies with vital technical and advisory support, is leading the planning and coordination of the Summit. The Asia Foundation, a San Francisco-based nonprofit international development organization committed to improving lives across Asia and the Pacific, hosted an APEC Secretariat delegation led by Executive Director Rebecca Sta Maria. Dr. Yang extended her support to APEC and looks forward to CBSI hosting APEC-related events, welcoming delegations from throughout the region, and providing USF students with many opportunities to be involved.
Pictured above are Dr. Yang with Ambassador Greenwood and Secretariat Executive Director Sta Maria leading discussion about the APEC Economic Leaders and CEO Summit.