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Congratulations on CBSI Faculty Member Professor Zifei Fay Chen Winning the 2020 The Innovation in T

    CBSI Faculty Member Professor Zifei Fay Chen is the 2020 recipient of The Innovation in Teaching with Technology Awards at the university of San Francisco. The Innovation in Teaching with Technology Awards is granted to two faculty members each year for their outstanding use of technology in the classroom or online. These individuals should have done one or more of the following:

    • Enhanced the quality of teaching and learning at USF through technology
    • Encouraged the innovative use of technology in teaching and learning
    • Demonstrated ongoing commitment to the effective use(s) of technology in teaching and learning
    • Improved student learning through the use of technology
    • Improved service to the USF learning community through innovative use(s) of technology

    Dr. Chen is an assistant professor in the communication studies department. Specialized in public relations and strategic communication, Chen’s research focuses on corporate social responsibility, social media strategies, startup and entrepreneurial public relations, and crisis communication and management. Her work has been published in leading refereed journals including Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Internet Research, and Journal of Product and Brand Management. She is co-author of the upcoming book Strategic Communication for Startups and Entrepreneurs in China (Routledge Taylor & Francis). She received her PhD, Communication from University of Miami.