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CBSI Hosts “Women Charting a Sustainable Future”during 2023 APEC San Francisco Week

    On November 13, 2023, The Center for Business Studies and Innovation in Asia-Pacific (CBSI) collaborated with Global Women Asia (GWA) in providing career development workshops and a closing reception honoring the inaugural cohort of up-and-coming, young professional GWA “Sustainability Fellows.” The program highlighted and celebrated the impressive accomplishments of the Fellows, as well as the broader importance of women’s leadership, equality and empowerment within the Asia Pacific region. Five CBSI Global Student Ambassador Program (GSAP) students were invited to take part in select workshops, the ABAC luncheon and many more participated in the culminating evening reception.

    In November, San Francisco hosted the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit, an important annual gathering of heads of state, policy makers and business leaders. Focused on creating economic opportunities, APEC brought together CEOs, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and other stakeholders together with the most senior political leaders from throughout the Asia-Pacific region for a week of dialogue and work on global opportunities and challenges shaping economic, environmental, and societal trends in the region. With support from the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), eight GWA Fellows from throughout the Asia-Pacific region completed a CBSI-hosted career development program focused on cross-cultural communication and leadership skills. The closing reception featured welcoming remarks from CBSI Executive Director Dr. Xiaohua Yang and USF Interim Provost Eileen Maruyama Fung, a keynote from APEC Ambassador Matt Murray and congratulatory remarks from Vice President Kamala Harris delivered by Erika Moritsugu, Deputy Assistant to the President.

    The Global Woman Asia Fellowship, founded by Wenchi Yu in 2022, is a powerful, capacity-building program that brings together a group of promising female leaders from across the world to build strong networks, develop leadership skills, and engage in problem solving around a critical global systemic issue. For the 2023-24 GWA Fellowship Program, the focus area is sustainability.  CBSI is honored to partner with GWA to host the events to highlight these outstanding young women leaders’ accomplishments and success!

    Article contributed By William Ktsanes, CBSI Associate Director
    November 30, 2023
