(September 18, 2023) The Center for Business Studies and Innovation in Asia-Pacific (CBSI) hosted a very well-attended panel discussion with Ambassador Chantale Wong, US Director of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). In one of several CBSI-hosted events in advance of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit coming to San Francisco in November, discussion centered on both business investment as well as more student-focused career opportunities in Asia.
CBSI Executive Director Dr. Xiaohua Yang; USF Chancellor Rev. John P. Fitzgibbons, S.J.; and former APEC Ambassador and current CBSI Advisory Board member Larry Greenwood provided welcoming remarks to guests at a private reception in USF’s Lone Mountain Building Handlery Room. This was followed by a public gathering in the Del Santo Reading Room in which USF Trustee and CBSI Advisory Board Chair Nora Wu introduced Ambassador Wong who, due to a recent positive COVID test, delivered her opening keynote speech remotely. Ambassador Wong’s keynote was followed by a panel discussion in which she was joined in-person by Danica Starks, Senior US Commercial Liaison and Advisor to the US Executive Director at the World Bank, and F. Cleo Kawawaki, Head of ADB’s Office of Public-Private Partnership. Together they shared their expertise and advice, along with career opportunities and pathways for students interested in foreign service.
On behalf of CBSI, Dr. Yang thanks Ambassador Wong, Ms. Starks and Ms. Kawawaki for attending; US Department of Commerce trade specialists Douglas Wallace and Daniel Giavina for helping facilitate their visit; and USF Professor of Economics and CBSI Executive Board member Suparna Chakraborty for moderating the excellent panel discussion. It was a great success!
Pictured above (left to right): Dr. Xiaohua Yang introducing Ambassador Chantale Wong; Amb. Wong, F. Cleo Kawawaki, Danica Starks, and Dr. Chakraborty in conversation; audience in the Del Santo Reading Room; Amb. Larry Greenwood, Jenny Liu, F. Cleo Kawawaki and Nora Wu; Chancellor Rev. John P. Fitzgibbons, S.J welcoming reception guests