On Tuesday, June 7, 2022 CBSI Director, Xiaohua Yang was elected as one of the five representatives at the Asia Academy of Management’s Board of Governors. Professor Yang has been a member of the academy for many years. At the 2019 AAOM conference in Bali, she served as the co-organizer, facilitator, and faculty mentor for the Doctoral Consortium together with Professor Badri Munir Sukoco from Airlangga University in Indonesia.
The Asia Academy of Management is designed to encourage management research, education, and knowledge dissemination that are of relevance to management in Asia. The Asia Academy is a global organization that welcomes both ethnic Asian and non-ethnic Asian researchers and managers who are interested in management issues relevant to Asia. Professor Yang will serve in this position along with five other elected representatives until June 2024.
For more information, visit https://aaom.asia/