This event will be in conjunction with the National Committee on US-China Relations China Town Hall, and will follow a national keynote talk with Fareed Zakaria held at 4 p.m. PST. A panel of experts will discuss America’s and China’s relationship in the context of the tech economy. On top of the issues arising from the trade dispute, the pandemic response, and other sources of bilateral tension, both sides now are: rethinking their approach to regulating the tech economy, experiencing growing concerns about their citizens’ data being held outside their borders; and worrying about how social media can affect politics, among other tech-related issues. The panelists include Darlene Chiu-Bryant of GlobalSF, Xiaomeng Lu of the Eurasia Group, Samm Sacks of New America, David Wertime of Protocol, and Steven Zhou of Tencent. The forum will be moderated by USF’s Peter Lorentzen, associate professor of economics and CBSI executive board member.