Dear CBSI Community Member:
尊敬的CBSI 朋友:
In this new year, we would like to give our special thanks to you for your time, dedication, and commitment to CBSI. The CBSI team wishes you peace and good health and trust that you are enjoying some precious down time with your loved ones. We understand that this Lunar New Year began with deep concerns about the outbreak of the coronavirus from Wuhan, which has resulted in more than 40,000 plus confirmed cases in more than two dozen countries, according to the latest news. We were deeply saddened by this alarming turn of events and highly concerned about your health and safety.
在这新的一年,我们诚挚地感谢您的时间,奉献,以及对CBSI的一如既往的支持。 CBSI团队祝您平安健康,并享受与家人一起宝贵的休息时间。 我们理解新年伊始大家对武汉疫情的深切焦虑,最新的消息中表明在二十多个国家中已经确诊了超过40,000病例。这个消息使我们非常难过,并且对您的安全健康高度关注。
We hope you will take every precaution to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community (which is also our community). Together, we will fight and defeat the virus and restore the harmony of all of humanity. To the beautiful City of Wuhan, the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower, we say: We are connected with you on one land, we are standing with you, and we will win the fight against the virus!
我们希望您能采取一切措施来保护自己,亲人和家园(您的家园也是我们的家园)。我们将共同努力,抗争病毒,重回人类的所有和谐。美丽的城市——武汉,宏伟的黄鹤楼,我们与您在一个地球村里紧紧相连, 我们一直与您站在一起,我们终将赢得与病毒的斗争!
Farewell to Meng Haoran at Yellow Crane Tower, Li Bai
My old friend departs from the west at Yellow Crane Tower,
Amidst the third month’s billowing blossoms, he’s going down to Yangzhou.
His lonely sail casts a distant shadow at the edge of the azure sky,
All I can see is the Yangtze River flowing toward the heavenly horizon.
李白, 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
Once again, we sincerely wish you good health and every success in 2020! It is important that you feel the unwavering support of your CBSI family!
CBSI Executive Board
University of San Francisco